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   Tanguy van Eeckhoudt - Tanali Photography   

Image hunter for over 20 years.


1996: DJ's

It was when I became a radio host in 1996 that my passion for photography came to me... Strange?

Originally, it was mainly for a purely documentary purpose in order to keep track of all the Belgian and international dj's invited to my program “CyberFactory”.

The logical next step was to follow these same artists in clubs, parties, raves and festivals all over Europe. These were mostly portraits where the challenge was to capture the right movement, each artist's gaze in complex light conditions.


2000: Internet

With the advent of the internet, I was finally able to distribute my photos to as many people as possible thanks to my site. This period also coincides with my transition to digital, which greatly facilitated the speed of the distribution process. To date, my rave photos have over 85 million views on


2003: Ravers

Over the years, I have turned more and more towards photographing visitors to techno events, the "ravers", much more photogenic with their "flashy", quirky and original outfits.

Where for portraits of artists I have all my time, the photo of “ravers” is really like a tracker constantly looking for the original person in the crowd. Once you find it, you only have a few seconds to catch its eye and trigger before it disappears forever into the anonymity and depths of the festive night.


2008: Shows (D300)

The scenographic productions have also evolved enormously (lazers, fireworks, flames, co2 cannon, giant screens, ...), which has oriented the "graphic" side of my shots made possible thanks to the transition to my first digital DSLR (Nikon D300), much more efficient in low light than my previous cameras. Here it is above all the qualities of patience and anticipation that are put to the test because the moments of climax (fireworks, flames, co2, etc.) are rare and difficult to predict.


2011: Weddings

After a flood in my cellar, and the complete loss of all my "film" photos (negatives included), something clicked; a desire to diversify, to get out of my comfort zone, under the pseudonym Tanali Photography. I started wedding reports, corporate events, product photography, shops. It was the wedding reports that brought me the most in terms of photographic fulfillment (given the range of photo techniques used in a single day) while sharpening my sense of improvisation and anticipation.


2013: Raw (D800)

This year marks my transition to the large sensor (Nikon D800) and the arrival of the “Raw” format which also coincides with my discovery of Lightroom thanks to Atelier Obscura. An exceptional post-production tool that allows me to enhance my photos with the artistic orientation that I want. In my creative drive, I also optimized my mobile lighting system for my rave portraits that year by combining a softbox and an articulated arm with my camera.


2020: Today

To date I mainly focus on personal photo projects in order to keep the pleasure of photography intact. This has spawned wonderful new Macro and Studio experiences while continuing my Rave shoots all over Europe.

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